Opening Session・Plenary Session
October 21, 2013
2F Seminar Room, WPI–AIMR Main Building, Tohoku University
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan
Invited Researchers
- Steven Weinberg (The University of Texas)
- David Gross (University of California)
- Maria Spiropulu (California Institute of Technology)
- Joseph Lykken (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Andrew Cohen (Boston University)
- Barry Barish (California Institute of Technology)
Time Schedule
- Mon. October 21, 2013
- 10:30 – 11:25
- Beyond the Standard Model (Remote) Video
- Steven Weinberg (The University of Texas)
- 11:25 – 12:20
- The Outlook for Fundamental Physics Video
- David Gross (University of California)
- 14:20 – 15:10
- From Higgs discovery to precision Higgs and beyond Video
- Maria Spiropulu (California Institute of Technology)
- 15:10 – 16:00
- What is the Higgs Boson trying to tell us? Video
- Joseph Lykken (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- 16:30 – 17:20
- Wilson, Naturalness, and the Higgs Video
- Andrew Cohen (Boston University)
- 17:20 – 18:10
- The Future of Particle Accelerators: The International Linear Collider Video
- Barry Barish (California Institute of Technology)