International Workshop: Planetary Science and Space Exploration
Summary [May. 31, 2016 Updated]
Presentations in this workshop focus on results and discussion derived from planetary science and space explorations. There are some sample return missions already completed successfully such as Stardust and Hayabusa missions and some another missions are ongoing and planned such as Hayabusa2, OSIRIS Rex, and MMX missions. All these sample return missions establish the new field of planetary science: “Links between spectroscopic observation and material science of solar system small bodies”. An important topic of discussion will be how we combine remote sensing observations and return sample analysis in order to understand formation and evolution history of the target small body.
July 4, 2016 – July 6, 2016
Venue [Jun. 20, 2016 Updated]
Science Complex C 2F, Aoba Science Hall, Aobayama North Campus, Tohoku University
[Campus Map]
The building is shown as H04 in the map.
Speakers [Jun. 20, 2016 Updated]
Ken–ichi Bajo (Hokkaido University)
Harold C. Connolly Jr. (City University of New York)
Céline Defouilloy (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Jean Duprat (CSNSM)*
Abigail A. Fraeman (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)*
Yoshihiro Furukawa (Tohoku University)
Motoo Ito (JAMSTEC)
Takahiro Iwata (ISAS, JAXA)
Shunichi Kamata (Hokkaido University)
Shingo Kameda (Rikkyo University)
Takafumi Kamizuka (University of Tokyo)
Masahiro Kayama (Tohoku University)
Yoko Kebukawa (Yokohama National University)
Hiroshi Kikuchi (University of Tokyo)
Makoto Kimura (Ibaraki Universityersity)
Noriko Kita (University of Wisconsin–Madison)*
Moe Matsuoka (Tohoku University)
Scott L. Messenger (NASA Johnson Space Center)
Takashi Mikouchi (University of Tokyo)
Hideaki Hirdy Miyamoto (University of Tokyo)
Takashi Miyata (University of Tokyo)
Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku University)
Daisuke Nakashima (Tohoku University)
Aiko Nakato (Kyoto University)
Takahito Osawa (JAEA)
Ted Roush (NASA Ames Research Center)*
Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku University)
Pablo Sobron (SETI Institute)
Seiji Sugita (University of Tokyo)
Hidekazu Tanaka (Tohoku University)
Fumihiko Usui (Kobe University)*
Masakuni Yamanobe (Tohoku University)
Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University)
Michael Ewing Zolensky (NASA Johnson Space Center)*
* = Special talk
Workshop organizers [May. 31, 2016 Updated]
Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku University)
Daisuke Nakashima (Tohoku University)
Noriko Kita (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Sunao Hasegawa (ISAS, JAXA)
Shogo Tachibana (Hokkaido University)
Time Schedule [Jul. 01, 2016 Updated]
- Monday, July 4, 2016
- Chair: Daisuke Nakashima (Tohoku University)
- Opening talk
- 13:00 – 13:20
- Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku University)
- Links between spectroscopic observation and material science of solar system small bodies
- Planetesimal formation + O–isotopes
- 13:20 – 13:40
- Hidekazu Tanaka (Tohoku University)
- From Dust to Planetesimals and Asteroids
- 13:40 – 14:10
- Noriko Kita (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
- Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in primitive chondrites
- 14:10 – 14:30
- Masakuni Yamanobe (Tohoku University)
- Oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules in the WIS91600 carbonaceous chondrite originated from D–type asteroid
- 14:30 – 14:50
- Daisuke Nakashima (Tohoku University)
- Analytical developments for isotope analyses of tiny extraterrestrial particles
- 14:50 – 15:10
- Céline Defouilloy (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
- High precision oxygen three–isotope analyses of material from comet 81P/Wild 2 and probable cometary material from giant cluster IDP
- 15:10 – 15:30
- Coffee Break
- Chair: Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku University)
- Comet
- 15:30 – 15:50
- Scott L. Messenger (NASA Johnson Space Center)
- Abundant solar nebula solids in comets
- 15:50 – 16:10
- Shunichi Kamata (Hokkaido University)
- Pluto: An active icy body at the outer edge of the Solar System
- 16:10 – 16:40
- Jean Duprat (CSNSM)
- Elementary and isotopic signatures of carbonaceous material from cometary surfaces?
- 18:00 –
- Welcome Party
- Tuesday, July 5, 2016
- Chair: Seiji Sugita (University of Tokyo)
- Asteroid spectroscopy
- 09:00 – 09:30
- Fumihiko Usui (Kobe University)
- Infrared Asteroid Survey with AKARI
- 09:30 – 09:50
- Takashi Miyata (University of Tokyo)
- Capabilities of the TAO 6.5m telescope for Solar system astronomy
- 09:50 – 10:10
- Takafumi Kamizuka (University of Tokyo)
- Exploring hydrous materials on asteroids with TAO/MIMIZUKU
- Hayabusa2 remote sensing
- 10:10 – 10:30
- Seiji Sugita (University of Tokyo)
- What we need to know from remote sensing observation of Ryugu from Hayabusa2?
- 10:30 – 10:50
- Takahiro Iwata (ISAS, JAXA)
- Near infrared Spectrometer on Hayabusa2
- 5min break
- 10:55 – 11:15
- Shingo Kameda (Rikkyo University)
- HAYABUSA2/ONC–T and cameras for MMX
- Chair: Tomoki Nakamura (Tohoku University)
- Special talk
- 11:15 – 12:10
- Michael Ewing Zolensky (NASA Johnson Space Center)
- Xenoliths in Meteorites are Samples of "Missing" Asteroid Lithologies
- 12:10 – 13:10
- Lunch
- Spectroscopy of asteroids & meteorites + asteroidal evolution
- 13:10 – 13:40
- Ted Roush (NASA Ames Research Center)
- Inference of surface chemical and physical properties using mid–infrared (MIR) spectral observations
- 13:40 – 14:00
- Masahiro Kayama (Tohoku University)
- Water in olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase of lunar meteorites of the NWA 773 clan by IR microspectroscopy
- 14:00 – 14:20
- Moe Matsuoka (Tohoku University)
- Experimental space weathering simulation of the Murchison CM2 chondrite with low–energy pulse laser irradiation
- 14:20 – 14:40
- Aiko Nakato (Kyoto University)
- Heating effect on mineralogy of hydrous asteroids
- 14:40 – 15:00
- Yoko Kebukawa (Yokohama National University)
- Kinetics of organic matter degradation in primitive asteroids
- 15:00 – 15:20
- Coffee break
- Chair: Hideaki Hirdy Miyamoto (University of Tokyo)
- Mars satellites
- 15:20 – 15:40
- Hideaki Hirdy Miyamoto (University of Tokyo)
- Science objectives of Japanese mars moon exploration (MMX) mission
- 15:40 – 16:00
- Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku University)
- Development of near–infrared imaging spectrometers for the Martian moon's sample return mission and future planetary projects
- 16:00 – 16:20
- Hiroshi Kikuchi (University of Tokyo)
- Numerical test of the formational process of lineaments on Phobos
- 16:20 – 16:40
- Pablo Sobron (SETI Institute)
- In–situ chemistry, mineralogy, and organic/biomarker content investigations on Phobos and Deimos: a new instrument concept
- 16:40 – 17:10
- Abigail A. Fraeman (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Constraining the Compositions of Phobos and Deimos Remotely
- 18:30 –
- Party
- Wednesday, July 6, 2016
- Chair: Masahiro Kayama (Tohoku University)
- Hayabusa1+2 analyses + OSIRIS–Rex
- 09:00 – 09:20
- Makoto Kimura (Ibaraki University)
- An LL chondritic breccia, Asuka 12389, and the significance to the asteroidal evolutionI
- 09:20 – 09:40
- Ken–ichi Bajo (Hokkaido University)
- Micro–distribution of solar wind helium implanted to Itokawa particle
- 09:40 – 10:00
- Motoo Ito (JAMSTEC)
- Are we ready for Hayabusa 2 samples?
- 10:00 – 10:20
- Takashi Mikouchi (University of Tokyo)
- Application of synchrotron X–ray radiation to analyze extraterrestrial materials
- 10:20 – 10:40
- Takahito Osawa (JAEA)
- Feasibility study of muonic X–ray analysis for extraterrestrial materials
- 10:40 – 11:00
- Yoshihiro Furukawa (Tohoku University)
- Future perspectives on the analysis bio–related organic compounds in astronomical samples
- 11:00 – 11:20
- Harold C. Connolly Jr. (City University of New York)
- The question is not what do we know about Bennu, but what do we need to know before arrival at Bennu?: Remote sensing and sample science
- 11:20 – 11:40
- Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University)
- JAXA Astromaterials Research Group –Past, Present, and Future Plan–