International Workshop: Dynamics and Interactions of the Ocean and Atmosphere
Summary [May. 31, 2016 Updated]
The climate system, as a unified system of atmosphere and ocean, and its variability are of great concern to the society. The global cycle of energy, water and carbon is a key cross–cutting theme in climate research, which will be greatly improved by integrating knowledge of many different kinds of processes/phenomena/transports in the atmosphere and the ocean. This international workshop will provide an opportunity for atmospheric/oceanic scientists usually working on their own domains, where they can exchange ideas and gain new insights into each of the atmospheric and oceanic domains and/or into the coupled atmosphere–ocean system. To exchange knowledge among those scientists with different backgrounds, the workshop has a twofold focus. The first focus is on analogies and commonalities in atmosphere/ocean dynamics, whose understanding inspires advanced modellings and data analysis methods. The second focus is on interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, which are essential elements for better understanding of the coupled atmosphere–ocean system.
July 13, 2016 – July 15, 2016
Venue [Jun. 28, 2016 Updated]
Science Complex C 2F, Aoba Science Hall, Aobayama North Campus, Tohoku University
[Campus Map]
The building is shown as H04 in the map.
Confirmed Invited Speakers [Jul. 08, 2016 Updated]
Frederick Morton Bingham (University of North Carolina at Wilmington)
Cai Ming (Florida State University)
Guixing Chen (Sun Yat–sen University)
Saji N. Hameed (University of Aizu)
Noboru Nakamura (University of Chicago)
Hideyuki Nakano (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA)
Bo Qiu (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Kelvin Richards (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Niklas Schneider (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Thomas Spengler (University of Bergen)
Shang–Ping Xie (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
Conveners [May. 31, 2016 Updated]
Toshio Suga (Tohoku University, Japan)
Toshiki Iwasaki (Tohoku University, Japan)
Time Schedule [Jul. 11, 2016 Updated]
- Wednesday, July 13, 2016
- 09:30 – 10:00
- Registration
- Chair: Toshio Suga (Tohoku University, Japan)
- 10:00 – 11:00
- Workshop Opening
- Shang–Ping Xie (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
- Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean Dynamics: From El Nino to global warming
- 11:00 – 11:30
- Break
- Chair: Shang–Ping Xie (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
- 11:30 – 12:40
- Saji N. Hameed (University of Aizu)
- A model for super El Ninos
- Naoya Takahashi (Tohoku University)
- Cloud Microphysical Properties in Tropical Pacific Regions derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO Measurements
- 12:40 – 14:00
- Lunch Break
- Chair: Saji N. Hameed (University of Aizu)
- 14:00 – 15:20
- Frederick Morton Bingham (University of North Carolina at Wilmington)
- Sea surface salinity and the global water cycle
- Kotaro Hosoda (Tohoku University)
- Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Data Set developed by Tohoku University
- 15:20 – 16:20
- Poster Session with Coffee [Posters]
- Chair: Frederick Morton Bingham (University of North Carolina at Wilmington)
- 16:20 – 17:40
- Kelvin Richards (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- The importance of ocean mixing in ocean/atmosphere interactions in the tropics
- Katsuya Toyama (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA)
- Subduction: variability in the North Pacific and an application to global ocean biogeochemistry
- 18:00 – 20:00
- Receiption
- Thursday, July 14, 2016
- Chair: Kelvin Richards (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- 09:00 – 10:10
- Thomas Spengler (University of Bergen)
- Maintenance of Baroclinicity in the Atlantic Storm Track and the Role of Sea Surface Temperature Gradients and Cold Air Outbreaks
- Toshio Suga (Tohoku University)
- Mode waters and cold air outbreaks: Comparison study of subtropical mode waters in the world ocean
- 10:10 – 10:40
- Break
- Chair: Thomas Spengler (University of Bergen)
- 10:40 – 11:50
- Niklas Schneider (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- The atmospheric response to mesoscale sea surface temperature fronts
- Ryo Fujita (Tohoku University)
- Variations of atmospheric methane and its carbon and hydrogen isotopic ratios at Churchill, Canada
- 11:50 – 14:00
- Lunch Break
- Chair: Niklas Schneider (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- 14:00 – 15:50
- Bo Qiu (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- Decadal Variability and Impact of the Kuroshio Extension System
- Hideyuki Nakano (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA)
- Is the Kuroshio Extension a blender or barrier of the water mass?
- Guixing Chen (Sun Yat–sen University)
- Multi–scale ocean–atmosphere interactions during short–term hot events over the western Pacific warm pool and their roles in regional climate
- 15:50 – 16:40
- Poster Session with Coffee [Posters]
- Chair: Bo Qiu (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- 16:40 – 18:20
- Cai Ming (Florida State University)
- New Look at the Physics and Energy Fluxes of Rossby Waves
- Yayoi Harada (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA)
- Verification of the atmospheric flow in the JRA–55 reanalysis using the mass–weighted isentropic zonal mean method
- Takenari Kinoshita (JAMSTEC)
- On the three dimensional structure of stratospheric material transport driven by waves
- Friday, July 15, 2016
- Chair: Cai Ming (Florida State University)
- 09:00 – 10:10
- Hidenori Aiki (ISEE, Nagoya University)
- A seamlessly diagnosable expression for the energy flux of all waves at all latitudes with equatorial and coastal waveguides
- Noboru Nakamura (University of Chicago)
- Local Finite–Amplitude Wave Activity and Onset of Rossby Wave Breaking
- 10:10 – 10:40
- Break
- Chair: Noboru Nakamura (University of Chicago)
- 10:40 – 12:10
- Toshiki Iwasaki (Tohoku University)
- Isentropic Diagnosis of Atmospheric General Circulation
- Yuki Kanno (Tohoku University)
- Mean meridional circulations analyzed by mass–weighted isentropic time mean
- Muhammad Rais Abdillah (Tohoku University)
- Interactions between East Asian cold air outbreaks and tropical convection
- Chair: Toshiki Iwasaki (Tohoku University)
- 12:10 – 12:30
- Closing
- 14:00 –
- Excursion
Posters [Jul. 11, 2016 Updated]
- P01
- Daiki Ito (Tohoku University)
Temporal and spatial distribution of submesoscale disturbances as detected by Argo float
- P02
- Chiaki Kobayashi (Meteorological Research Institute)
Changes in the Brewer–Dobson circulation in JRA–55
- P03
- Masatoshi Miyamoto (University of Tokyo)
Mesoscale variability of deep current in Northwest Pacific Basin
- P04
- Ryohei Yamaguchi (Tohoku University)
Spatiotemporal features and vertical structure of seasonal pycnocline in the North Pacific
- P05
- Akira Yamazaki (JAMSTEC)
Unusual snowfall events in Japan associated with East Asian and western Pacific blocking