Knowledge and Arts on The Move
: Transformation of The Self–Aware Image through East–West Encounters
February 13, 2017 – February 14, 2017
The Second Lecture Room, Multidisciplinary Research Building, Kawauchi South Campus, Tohoku University
東北大学川内南キャンパス 文科系総合「講義」棟、法学部第2講義室
The Building is shown in the map as C19.
Maurizio Campanelli (Sapienza University of Rome)
Christopher Craig (Tohoku Universty)
Silvana De Maio (“L′Orientale” University of Naples)
Marco Del Bene (Sapienza University of Rome)
Estelle Doudet (University of Grenoble Alpes)
Dagmar Eichberger (Heidelberg University)
Enrico Fongaro (Tohoku University)
Marcello Ghilardi(University of Padova)
Alessandro Greco(Sapienza University of Rome)
Glenn Hook (University of Sheffield)
Monica Juneja (Heidelberg University)
Hiroshi Kabashima (Tohoku University)
Eva Kaminski (Jagiellonian University)
Matilde Mastrangelo (Sapienza University of Rome)
Rolando Minuti (University of Florence)
Ryusaku Nagaoka (Tohoku University)
Andreas Niehaus (Ghent University)
Akihiro Ozaki (Tohoku University)
Ikuko Sagiyama (University of Florence)
Hiroo Sato (Tohoku University)
Georg Stenger(University of Vienna)
Willemijn van Noord (University of Amsterdam)
Bryce Wakefield (Leiden University)
Time Schedule
- Monday, February 13, 2017
- 09:15
- Opening ceremony
- Intercultural Philosophy
- 09:30
- Georg Stenger (University of Vienna)
‘Con–creativity’: A new basic concept of East–West and intercultural encounters
: aisthetic–ethical interventions and transformations
- 10:00
- Marcello Ghilardi (University of Padova)
- Beyond identity: promoting cultural resources
- History and Society
- 10:30
- Alessandro Greco (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Similarities across defferences: Resolving methodological conflicts through an investigation of the political strategies of two emerging polities: The cases of Mycenaean Greece (XIVth–XIIIth cent. BCE) and the early Yamato state (Vth – VIth cent. CE)
- 11:00
- Maurizio Campanelli (Sapienza University of Rome)
- How Japan rescued Latin poetry: The increasing fortunes of Haicua Latina
- 11:30
- Rolando Minuti (University of Florence)
- Some remarks on Japan in Italian culture before and after the end of isolation
- 12:00
- Marco Del Bene (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Bridging the gap: Italy–Japan political and cultural relations, from totalitarianism to democracy Slides
- 12:30 – 13:30
- Lunch
- 13:30
- Bryce Wakefield (Leiden University)
- A country the whole family can fight for! Scopic regimes in international relations and gendered images in manga on constitutional revision in Japan
- 14:00
- Glenn Hook (University of Sheffield)
- The politics of 'mutual understanding' and the Futenma base relocation: Different actors, different understandings
- Thoughts about Fukushima Accidents
- 14:30
- Akihiro Ozaki (Tohoku University)
- The beginning of the never–ending struggle: Carpe Diem. (Live in the Present) Slides
- 15:00
- Hiroshi Kabashima (Tohoku University)
- Rethinking TEPCO's liability for nuclear damages
- 15:30
- Enrico Fongaro (Tohoku University)
- How could a monument for Fukushima be possible?
- 16:00
- Christopher Craig (Tohoku Universty)
- Nature, national character, and unnatural disaster: Problems at the nexus of national recovery and nuclear disaster
- 16:30 – 17:00
- Hiroo Sato (Tohoku University)
- The watchful gaze of the dead
- Tuesday, February 14, 2017
- Art History
- 10:00
- Ryusaku Nagaoka (Tohoku University)
- Represented landscapes in Japanese art and their religious meaning
- 10:30
- Ikuko Sagiyama (University of Florence)
- The logic of happiness: The topology of ‘blessing' as seen in Genji Monogatari
- 11:00
- Estelle Doudet (University of Grenoble Alpes)
- Japanese and European medieval theatre and their modern revivals: Performing cultural heritage in the mirror of the other Slides
- 11:30
- Eva Kaminski (Jagiellonian University)
- The globalization of the Japanese tea bowl (chawan)
- 12:00
- Dagmar Eichberger (Heidelberg University)
- Mechanisms of display: Continuities and discontinuities in European and Japanese cabinets Slides
- 12:30 – 13:30
- Lunch
- 13:30
- Monica Juneja (Heidelberg University)
- An aesthetic of containment? The portrait as a travelling concept in early modern South Asia.
- 14:00
- Willemijn van Noord (University of Amsterdam)
- Dutch reflections in Chinese mirrors: interpreting China in the Netherlands through encounters with inscribed Chinese artifacts, 1680–1720 Slides
- 14:30
- Matilde Mastrangelo (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Mori ōgai as an educator: Creativity and syncretism in the cultural transmission to his children
- 15:00
- Andreas Niehaus (Ghent University)
- Self–discipline and moderation: Kanō Jigorō's concept of seiryoku zenyō jitakyōei as applied ethics
- 15:30
- Silvana De Maio (“L′Orientale” University of Naples)
- 40 Years of concrete, bricks and stone: The work of Japanese architects in Italy
- 16:00
- Closing ceremony
Abstract [Feb. 21, 2017 Updated]
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Poster [Feb. 21, 2017 Updated]
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Co–hosting [Feb. 21, 2017 Updated]
- Tohoku Forum for Crreativity, Tohoku University
- Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
- Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University
- Global Japanese Studies Initiative, Tohoku University