Thematic Programs

Karolinska–Tohoku Joint Symposium on Medical Sciences



November 8, 2014 – November 9, 2014


Conference room of Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku University
2–1 Seiryo–machi, Aoba–ku, Sendai, 980–8573, Japan [Access]

Invited Researchers

  • Lorenz Poellinger (Karolinska Institute)
  • Mark Divers (Karolinska Institute)
  • Randall Johnson (Karolinska Institute)
  • Arne Holmgren (Karolinska Institute)
  • Jon Lundberg (Karolinska Institute)
  • Lucia Coppo (Karolinska Institute)
  • Ryuichi Nishinakamura (Kumamoto University)
  • Masaomi Nangaku (University of Tokyo)
  • Motoko Yanagita (Kyoto University)
  • Tove Rylander Rudqvist (Karolinska Institute Biobank)
  • James Thompson (Karolinska Institute Biobank)
  • Jun Lu (Karolinska Institute)

Time Schedule

Sat. November 8, 2014
12:00 – 13:10
13:15 – 13:25
Opening Remarks
Masayuki Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
13:25 – 13:30
Greetings from Tohoku Forum for Creativity  Video
Liam Baird (Program Coordinator of TFC)
13:30 – 17:10
Session I: Clinical Application and Management of Biobanks
13:30 – 14:10
Session I
Biobanking value: reflections from the Swedish experience  Video
Mark Divers (KI Biobank)
14:10 – 14:40
Session I
Aim and progress of Tohoku Medical Megabank project  Video
Masayuki Yamamoto (ToMMo & Tohoku University)
14:40 – 15:05
Session I
Opportunities and challenges with medical biobanking
Tove Rylander Rudqvist (KI Biobank)
15:30 – 15:55
Session I
High throughput developments in medical biobanking
James Thompson (KI Biobank)
15:55 – 16:20
Session I
Biobank construction based on cohort studies after the seismic disaster of 2011  Video
Naoko Minegishi (ToMMo)
16:20 – 16:45
Session I
Data management and bioinformatics of thousands Japanese whole–genome project
Masao Nagasaki (ToMMo)
16:45 – 17:20
Session I
Perspectives towards the development of personalized medicine by the ToMMo genome cohort  Video
Jun Yasuda (ToMMo)
17:20 – 18:00
Tour around Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization
Sun. November 9, 2014
09:30 – 12:30
Session II: Oxygen and Medicine
09:30 – 10:10
Session II
Epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation in hypoxia and cancer
Lorenz Poellinger (Karolinska Institute & National University of Singapore)
10:10 – 10:35
Session II
A novel pharmacotherapy of preeclampsia
Nobuyuki Takahashi (Tohoku University)
10:35 – 11:05
Session II
Drug discovery in kidney disease – From serendipity to rationality  Video
Toshio Miyata (Tohoku University)
11:20 – 12:00
Session II
The role of HIF isoforms in the physiology of hypoxia
Randall Johnson (Karolinska Institute & University of Cambridge)
12:00 – 12:30
Session II
Hypoxia as the appropriate and realistic therapeutic target in kidney disease
Masaomi Nangaku (University of Tokyo)
13:30 – 17:30
Session III: Redox and Diseases
13:30 – 14:10
Session III
Redox regulation and signaling by thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems
Arne Holmgren (Karolinska Institute)
14:10 – 14:40
Session III
Renal fibrosis and anemia: cause, trigger and plasticity
Motoko Yanagita (Kyoto University)
14:40 – 15:05
Session III
Thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems in relation to superoxide dismutase
Jun Lu (Karolinska Institute)
15:05 – 15:35
Session III
tRNA metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction
Takaaki Abe (Tohoku University)
15:55 – 16:20
Session III
Glutathione and Grx2 in Alzheimers disease
Lucia Coppo (Karolinska Institute)
16:20 – 16:50
Session III
Creating the kidney in vitro
Ryuichi Nishinakamura (Kumamoto University)
16:50 – 17:30
Session III
Inorganic nitrate and nitrite in health and disease
Jon Lundberg (Karolinska Institute)
17:30 – 17:40
Closing Remarks
Susumu Satomi (President of Tohoku University)


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Dr. Norio Suzuki
E–mail:sunorio* (change * to @)
*Registration is not required to join this event. All researchers are free to attend this symposium.