Thematic Programs

A Memorial Symposium on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & a Screening of the 3D Documentary: The Great March Eleven Tsunami
–Remembering for the future–



March 10, 2015


Tohoku University Centennial Hall (Kawauchi Hagi Hall)
[Access] Building D01 in the map

Invited Researchers

  • Gordon McBean (President of the International Council for Science)
  • Reid Basher (Former Advisor to the UN Special Rep. of the Secretary–General for DRR)
  • Shuzo Koshino (Iwate University)
  • Yoshihito Ozawa (Vice President of Fukushima University)
  • Karl Kim (University of Hawaii)
  • Andrew Gordon (Harvard University)
  • John Rundle (University of California, Davis)
  • Satoru Nishikawa (Vice President of Japan Water Agency)
  • Badaoui Rouhban (Former Director of Section for Disaster Reduction, UNESCO)
  • Walter Ammann (Founder and President of the Foundation GRF Davos)

Time Schedule

Tue. March 10, 2015
Section 1: Towards disaster–resilient societies
MC: Shunichi Koshimura
12:30 – 12:35
Opening Remarks
Fumihiko Imamura (IRIDeS)
12:35 – 13:05
Keynote Speech
Gordon McBean (President of the International Council for Science)  Video
13:05 – 13:25
Report on the International Workshop on Implementing Practical DRR
Reid Basher (Former Advisor to the UN Special Rep. of the Secretary–General for DRR)  Video
13:30 – 14:15
Report on the Recovery Status after 2011 GEJE–Implementation of DRR in the Affected Areas
Shuzo Koshino (Iwate University)  Video
Nobuyoshi Hara (Executive Vice President of Tohoku University)  Video
Yoshihito Ozawa (Vice President of Fukushima University)  Video
14:15 – 14:30
14:30 – 17:00
Panel Discussion: “Has the academic research that aims to establish DRR society responded to the social needs?”
Facilitator: Yuichi Ono (IRIDeS)
14:30 – 15:50
Panel 1
Karl Kim (University of Hawaii)  Video
Andrew Gordon (Harvard University)  Video
John Rundle (University of California, Davis)  Video
Reid Basher (Former Advisor to the UN Special Rep. of the Secretary–General for DRR)  Video
15:55 – 16:55
Panel 2
Satoru Nishikawa (Vice President of Japan Water Agency)  Video
Badaoui Rouhban (Former Director of Section for Disaster Reduction, UNESCO)
Walter Ammann (Founder and President of the Foundation GRF Davos)  Video
Gordon McBean (President of the International Council for Science)
Fumihiko Imamura (IRIDeS)  Video
16:55 – 17:00
Closing Remarks
Makoto Okumura (IRIDeS)
Section 2: Pass on our memories to future generations!
MC: Kiyoshi Ito
18:00 – 18:05
Sadayoshi Ito (Executive Vice President, Director of TFC, Tohoku University)
18:05 – 18:35
Talk show
Fumihiko Imamura (IRIDeS)
Atsunori Kawamura (Movie Director)
Hideo Yanagisawa (NHK News Commentator)
Satoko Yagyu (NHK Newscaster)
18:45 – 20:00
NHK 3D Documentary Film: The 3.11 TSUNAMI
20:00 –
Closing Remarks
Fumihiko Imamura (IRIDeS)


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