Thematic Programs

TFC Conference



October 5, 2016

Venue  [Aug. 09, 2016 Updated]

TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity 3F, Lecture Theater,
Katahira Campus, Tohoku University

Speakers  [Sep. 21, 2016 Updated]

Philippe Benoit
(Head of the Energy Environment Division, IEA, Paris, France)

Hiroshi Komiyama
(Chairman, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
(The 28th President of the University of Tokyo))

Henrik Alfredsson
(Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

Time Schedule  [Sep. 30, 2016 Updated]

09:00 – 09:15
09:15 – 10:30
Philippe Benoit
Energy and Climate Change: From Paris to Marrakesh and Beyonde
10:30 – 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:00
Hiroshi Komiyama
Beyond the Limits to Growth ‐ New Ideas for Sustainability from Japan ‐
12:00 – 13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 – 14:15
Henrik Alfredsson
Thinking outside the box – how fluid mechanics may contribute to a sustainable future

Poster  [Sep. 30, 2016 Updated]

‐ TFC Conference: Download [PDF]

Event Registration  [Oct. 03, 2016 Updated]



Yusuke Imoto
Email: y–imoto*  (change * to @)