
Falling Walls Lab Sendai

Date: August 3, 2017
Time: 13:00 –
Venue: 3rd floor, Lecture Theater in TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity, Katahira Campus

Falling Walls Lab Sendai was a huge success with outstanding presentations, and we are delighted to introduce to you the 3 winners of Falling Walls Lab Sendai.

1st Winner
 Makiko Hayashi
 Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
 Presentation title: Breaking the Wall of Difficulty in Cancer Therapy

2nd Winner
 Shogo Kumagai
 Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
 Presentation title: Breaking the Wall of Hard-to-recycle Polymeric Wastes

3rd Winner
 Yukiko Ogawa
 National Institute for Materials Science
 Presentation title: Breaking the Wall of Development of Novel Lightweight Alloys

Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2017 [Video]

They are going to attend Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin, and we would like to send the best wishes to the 3 winners of Sendai Lab !