
Future Society Design Programs

Current and Upcoming Programs



Positioning of Nuclear Energy in Sustainable Energy Strategies
– Redefining from a Risk Management Perspective

The final theme that this program is oriented toward is the redefinition of the availability and positioning of nuclear energy as an option to achieve a sustainable energy strategy for Japan, aiming to realize both carbon neutrality and economic security in 2050. The essential characteristic of nuclear energy is the existence of significant potential hazard in terms of handling nuclear reactions and radioactive materials.

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Urban Transition with Wood for Enhanced Resilience of Cities and Forests

Global warming caused by greenhouse gases, resulting climate change, and the frequency and severity of disasters such as torrential rains are accelerating across the globe. At the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP), global–scale issues have been set, and Japan has set a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and is making various efforts to achieve it.

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Tohoku Transition to Future