Future Society Design Program

Creating Diversified and Inclusive Cities through the Boccia at the Public Space

Program Theme

In this program, participants will explore the future possibility of inclusive urban development through the experience of playing parasports (boccia) in public spaces. With the hosting of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics last year, there has been growing momentum toward the realization of an inclusive society that mutually recognizes the diversity of people regardless of disability, race, nationality, gender, and other factors. Meanwhile, in the field of urban development, there is a growing demand for “cities” that enhance urban attractiveness and generate innovation and added value. It is also becoming increasingly important to create “comfortable and pleasant” cities where people want to walk, and to ensure diversity through the use of public spaces. Against this backdrop, we will engage in a dialogue between parasports and urban development, and consider the future of inclusive urban development.


Kick–off Workshop for Creating Diversified and Inclusive Cities through the Boccia at the Public Space
(May 29, 2022)

Social Experiments: Boccia Experiences in Public Spaces
(June 5, 2022 – November 20, 2022)

Closing Workshop for Creating Diversified and Inclusive Cities through the Boccia at the Public Space
(March 15, 2023)

Related Events

Diversity × Inclusion Talk Session: Toward Inclusive Community Development Through Sports
(May 22, 2022)


Jun Mitarai
(Professor, Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University)

Kazufumi Aoki
(NEC Corporation)

Kazuo Izumita
(Representative Director, Citizen's Sports Volunteers SV2004)

Seiichi Ito
(Vice Chairman, Social Welfare Corporation Miyagi Disability–welfare Association)

Hiroyuki Uematsu
(Professor, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences)

Masataka Kataoka
(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science Division of Rehabilitation Science, Osaka Metroplitan University)

Shigenori Kobayashi
(President, General Incorporated Association Mori Memorial Foundation)

Susumu Sakakibara
(Representative Director, Urban Design Works, N.P.O.)

Aki Taguchi
(The Nippon Foundation Parasports Support Center)

Hitoshi Takeda
(Ex–Senior Adviser, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Sendai City Sports Promotion Foundation)

Kazuhiro Tsubohara
(Professor, Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University)

Ryoichi Nagatomi
(Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University)

Ryuzo Hasegawa
(Representative Director , FRONTYARD Co. Ltd.)

Ichiro Fujita
(Professor, Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University)

Yusuke Horie
(SHOWA Co.,Ltd.)

Takanori Matsumura
(Professor, Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University)

Hiroko Miura
(Director General, General Incorporated Association Japan Boccha Association)


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Visitors List


Co–hosted by

Graduate School of Public Policy, Tohoku University

Supported by

Japan Area Management Network

In association with

General Incorporated Association Japan Boccia Association


Japanese Site