Thematic Programs

Evolving and Emerging Redox Biology and Bioenergetics for Medicine and Human Health


Program Theme

Redox biology is rapidly evolving and running into an emerging new era in life science. It is not merely dealing with disease-oriented issues affecting human health but also with the most fundamental aspect of biology like evolution and energy metabolism. Several breakthroughs achieved in the redox biology are currently expanding the frontiers in the diverse areas of life science and clinical medicine. This TFC program focusing on the brand-new area, therefore, covers three closely related scientific disciplines, including sulfur redox biology, mitochondrial redox biology, and environmental redox response, which are the fields systematically combined in chemistry, biology, physiology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, and medicine.

Events  [Oct. 28, 2022 Updated]

Exploring Sulfur Biology World in Redox Week in Sendai 2022


– Closed
Registration deadline: October 28, 2022 at noon (JST)
Registration Fee:Tohoku University Personnel(Free) / Non-Tohoku University Personnel(10,000 JPY)

Information for Bank Transfer

Bank Name: 77 Bank (Bank Code: 0125)
Branch Code: 255
Account Number: 5025307
Account Holder Name: 日本NO学会 代表 本橋ほづみ (Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nitric Oxide Society of Japan, Chair, Hozumi Motohashi)


If you have any questions, please contact
Email: international_no* (change * to @)


Takaaki Akaike
(Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University)

Hozumi Motohashi
(Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University)

Fan–Yan Wei
(Professor, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University)


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Visitors List


In cooperation with

Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer Center for Environmental Response Research, Tohoku University