Propose a Program

Future Society Design Programs

Submission Guidelines for Future Society Design Programs

Now Call for Proposals for the Future Society Design Programs for Implementation in AY2025

The TFC is currently inviting proposals for future society design programs in the 2025 academic year (April 2025 – March 2026) in any branch of research including: social sciences, humanities, physical sciences, engineering, and life sciences.

The Deadline for submitting a program proposal is September 16, 2024.

Related Information >> What is a Future Society Design Program?

In order to submit a proposal, organizers should complete the application form shown below.


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Application Form

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Detailed instructions about how to complete each section of the proposal are shown in the application form.

The application form should be converted to pdf prior to submission. Proposals should be submitted to the e–mail address below:

submission_tfc* (change * to @)


For assistance, advice, and suggestions at any stage of the preparation of a proposal you are welcome to contact the TFC. We are happy to consult about preliminary ideas or draft proposals at an early stage.

For international organizers and organizers based at other institutions within Japan, the TFC can provide advice when searching for a co–organizer at Tohoku University.

E-mail: tfc_pg* (change * to @)
Telephone: +81-(0)22-217-6094