Design Lab for our Future Co–existence

TFC×TEL Collaboration Program: Designing a Digital and Sustainable Society


Program Theme

Digital technologies have generated profound impacts in every aspect of human lives in the past decades. The Digital Revolution has accelerated globalization and powered advances in economic, communication, medical and educational developments.

On the other hand, rapid globalization has brought about various problems that could jeopardize basic human rights. For example, the economic development of industrialization requires a sustainable environment plan for long–term prosperity. Digital inequality and poverty are among the new challenges we must identify and address in the Digital Era. One of the keys is how to build an inclusive and resilient society in which humans live in harmony with the environment. It is never more urgent than now to consider how digital technology can contribute to reducing the environmental burden and regenerating the environment.

Based on this awareness of the above issues, this program promotes three integrated projects (Future Society Design Lab, Social Implementation Project, and Industry–Academia Collaborative Exploration Project) with the aim of designing a sustainable future society that respects diversity, in collaboration with Tohoku Forum for Creativity and Tokyo Electron Limited.



School for the Design of a Future Society Workshop: Designing Digital × Sustainable Future Societies: Sustainability in Cities
(June 7, 2024 – )

TEL Corporation Program Seminar
(April 19, 2024 – )


Pre–Lecture for the 2023 Workshop on “Designing a Digital × Sustainable Society: Weaving New Networks of Interdependency with Forests and Oceans”
(July 27, 2023)

Social Implementation Workshop 2023 “Local Business DX for Sustainability”
(August 9, 2023 – December 23, 2023)

The 2023 Workshop on “Designing a Digital × Sustainable Society” : Weaving New Networks of Interdependency with Forests and Oceans
(September 14, 2023)

Minamisanriku SDGs Fieldwork
(September 15, 2023)

Future Society Design Workshop “Considering Corporate Sustainability”
(September 15, 2023)

Industry–Academia Collaborative Exploration Meeting
(September 15, 2023)

International Symposium on Design for the Sustainable Society via Digital Technology –Developing Digital Human Resources for the Sustainable Society
(February 1, 2024 – February 2, 2024)

Tohoku Forum for Creativity and Tokyo Electron Limited Joint Project: Special Lectures On Discovery of Element 113, Nihonium: Towards the Discovery of Further Superheavy Elements
(March 9, 2024)


Industry–Academia Collaboration, Seminar Series on the Management Practices of SDGs and Digital Transformation (DX) for Local Companies
(June 22, 2022 – March 20, 2023)

TEL & TFC Collaboration Workshop:Designing a Digital and Sustainable Society
(September 27, 2022 – September 30, 2022)

International Symposium on Design for the Sustainable Society via Digital Technology – Cooperated by Digital Transformation, Semiconductor, and Manufacturing –
(February 2, 2023 – February 3, 2023)


TFC×TEL Special Site (in Japanese)


Yasuhiro Fukushima
(Tohoku University)

Kazuyo Matsubae
(Tohoku University)

Kiyotaka Naoe
(Tohoku University)

Yasunari Takaura
(Tohoku University)

Yasunori Yamanouchi
(Tohoku University)

Masato Morishima
(Tokyo Electron Limited)

Mitsuyuki Yamaguchi
(Tohoku University)


Yoshihiko Horio
(Tohoku University)

Shigeo Sato
(Tohoku University)

Yuji Ogino
(Tokyo Electron Limited)

Co–hosted by

Center for Science, Technology and Well–being Research (Graduate School of Arts and Letters) Tohoku University